Well, I dyed my hair again. I was going to wait a while and give my hair a little extra time to recover, but my friend and I were up late one Saturday night and decided to make a 2am Wal-Mart run for red hair dye. She ended up going with more of a reddish blonde and I went with a light auburn specifically for dark brown hair and since my natural hair color is almost black, I decided this would probably be the best route for me. I was a little uneasy, because I worried it might turn my hair more of a purple than a red that I was hoping for, but it was on sale for like $5.97, so I figured might as well.. And if I didn't like it, I could always dye it again a different color in 6 weeks, so I bought the dye.. It was Garnier Nutrisse R3 Light Intense Auburn and I almost always use Garnier, so I trust the brand.

I had my friend dye it for me.. I think it was only her first or second time dying someone else's hair, so I hoped it would turn out nicely. I left it in an extra ten minutes and washed on a luke warm temperature, because I've been told that is a good tip for red hair to postpone the fading, but there was still a lot of dye washing out in the shower.. it turned out way better than I expected though!
Here's a before and after picture.. the lighting's much brighter in the before picture and I used a camera phone for the first and a real digital camera for the recent ones, so the after pictures are better-looking for a quantity of reasons, but the red is still very noticeable! I definitely recommend this product!