22- Taylor Swift (in my defense, I just turned 22, so I'm allowed to be obsessed with it until I'm 23, right? It's always nice to have some reason to be excited about 22!)
Thrift Shop- Macklemore (After all, it is ****ing awesome). I have to hide my over-excitement every time in comes on the radio in the car. And I immediately decide to listen to it at least 2 or 3 times in a row every time it pops up on my Spotify playlist while I'm listening.
Call Me Maybe- Carly Rae Jepsen: The song we all hate to love that has been stuck in everyone's head since it came out on the radio months ago
Best for Last- Adele: I don't know why I love it so much, but I do. I catch myself singing it all the time and then, I have to listen to it over and over again until I'm forced to stop listening to music to go eat dinner or something or another.
Kiss You- One Direction: A guilty pleasure song of mine. Most of us over the age of 17 probably don't like to admit it, but One Direction has some fun and catchy tunes.
Erase Me- Kid Cudi: My first Kid Cudi song, I heard for the first time over the summer and I've loved it ever since.
The Motto- Drake. It's extremely inappropriate, but it's so fun!
Die Young- Ke$ha. Really any Ke$ha song for me is a guilty pleasure. She releases some catchy tunes though.