My sweet, beautiful, baby sister Aurora just turned 12 this month and I have loved every moment of her existence since the day my parents concieved her. I love her so much more than I was able to comprehend when she was born. I love her unconditionally forever.
So much of my ability to love comes from my siblings. From having to learn how to share with them and help them growing up to becoming a role model for them to look up to as I became an adult, they have contributed so much to who I am today.
My youngest sister Aurora and I have always had a special connection though. She is such a sweetheart and she has always looked up to me and I've always been very flattered and honored by her love and attention. My parents even gave me the privilege of being her confirmation sponsor and Godmother on top of the blessing that is being her sister and friend.
Aurora is constantly surprising me with her sweetness and maturity as she quickly blossoms into her adulthood. She cares so much about other people and sees so much love and goodness in the world and other people. She is a good friend, daughter, student, and sister. She is a beautiful soul to say the least.
I've loved watching her grow up. I admire the person she is becoming. She has such a wonderful sense of who she wants to be and works hard toward her goals all on her own despite her low self-esteem and the troubles that naturally come from all the changes occuring in her pubescent years physically and emotionally. She already has some great friends, she's been on her first date with her first boyfriend who talks to her every day and treats her well, and she knows she wants to be a singer, but is also considering pursuing writing as a potential career/hobby.
Aurora is so much braver and bolder than I ever was. It's amazing and beautiful. She's already posted a 10-chapter story online and is working on a second book with a friend on under the username lovatic603 and she is not shy about her singing which gets better every day and she's really put herself out there by posting videos on YouTube of her singing here and just goofing off with our brother and their friends here .
I am so proud of her and I learn from her everyday and I hope she always allows me to be a part of her life, because she is such an important part of mine.
I hope anyone who reads this will at least check out those links to get her some views and help her on her way to being more confident and proud of herself, because she is a wonderful young lady who certainly deserves success and attention.