So I ended up wearing 3 different costumes this year. All of which I already had in my closet :) The first costume I decided on was a "Hipster Pirate" which I wore for our school's "Safe Trick or Treat" Event for kid's from the neighborhood.
Then, I went to OSU's High Ball that Friday night before Halloween and I went as a school girl :)

And on Halloween, I just went to my friend's house to pass out candy and went as a hipster cowgirl by wearing a button-up flannel, pigtails, a mini skirt, boots, leggings, and plastic glasses frames and a little purple scarf. Sadly, I didn't think to take a picture, so you will have to use your imagination for the most part. It is very similar to what I wore to the Miley Cyrus concert 2 years ago though which I do have pictures of! I wore a white skirt, grey boots, and no cowboy hat though.
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