Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What I'm Thankful For A-Z

This was a November Challenge that I found out about, but I wanted to post it even though it's already December, because I really need to reflect on what I'm thankful for right now since it feels like my whole life is falling apart..and this just seemed like fun! :)

A- Alcohol.. haha... because it eases the pain and, as a new 21-year-old, I appreciate it :)
B- Brittney!  She has been my friend for more than 3 years and she keeps me sane.  She's like my best friend, study buddy, and therapist all wrapped into one.  I honestly can't imagine how bad this year would've been without her and how much less fun my life in general would be without her!
C- The Catholic Church... She keeps me grounded, encourages me to be better, supports me in my good decisions, and calls me out on my bad ones haha.  My life would be incomplete without my faith for sure/Also, COFFEE... It's seriously a life saver too though in a totally different way haha
D- Dresses! They're so comfy and fun to twirl in and make picking clothes out really easy especially in the Summer time :)
E- Electricity.  I don't like the dark, so my life would be very sad without it haha
F- Flowers.. They're pretty and they make me happy :)
G- Grandma!! She's always on my side and she is just a genuinely nice person and I feel that sometimes, we see the world the same way, so we get along really well :)
H- Hats... For my bad hair days haha. But really, I look awesome in them too, so bad hair days are welcomed :)
I- Intelligent people.. We really can never have too many of those in the world!
J- Jesus :).  He needs no explanation
K- Kindness: Without it, the world wouldn't be a very nice place/Also, KISSES! They make all the hurt go away :)
L- LOVE!  It makes the world go round.  And we'd all be dead if the world stopped going round, so let's all be thankful for love :)
M- Music, because it soothes me and it makes me dance and sing and hum which all relieve my stress :)
N- Nice Guys.. Even though I have this weird self-hatred so that I am only attracted to douche bags, I love it a lot when I see a true gentleman doing nice things especially for us ladies who can never get enough love and kindness haha
O- Ovaries, because without them, I could never have babies and I love babies!
P- Purple!
Q- Q-tips
R- Rory! The sweetest little sister ever!! :)
S- Sabrina... She's my sister too... She's kinda cool, I guess
T- The Track Team.. especially the girls.. They keep me going :)
U- Underpants!
V- Violins, because they sound awesome
W- Water.. it keeps from dying and stuff
X- Xander!! Coolest sweetest little boy ever!
Y- Yummy things! Like food and boys ;)
Z- Zest! It keeps life zesty and stuff
That was a lot harder than I thought it would be, because I had multiples for some and only lame ones for others lol. But I'm glad I did it!!

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