Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased

Man, I have been slacking more than I expected would on this challenge.  But at least I'm not giving up completely.  I've just been super busy with other things (mostly school) and blogs aren't exactly in my top priorities right now.

I actually gave up shopping/spending money for Lent, so on Fat Tuesday, I went to the mall with my friends and ended up spending over a hundred dollars which I decided was justified since it had to last me 40 days and I had just gotten an overage check from my school for my tuition for about 122 dollars, so it all worked out! I can't remember what the last last item I bought was though.  I got a lot of stuff before Lent started.  It might have been a dress for my sister for her birthday though.  It could have also been food.  I did buy myself coffee the first Sunday of Lent, so I guess that would be the most recent item bought though I'm not sure if food qualifies as an "item" persay.  Oh well.  I will count it anyway!  So the last item I bought I decided is a grande white mocha latte from Starbucks (one of my favorites which I highly recommend to anyone looking for a sweet coffee drink to try):

Fun fact: I found this picture on a list of foods of shame online.  Here is the link if you want to check it out and maybe try a low-fat version of this sinfully delicious calorie-fest: Snack Food Hall of Shame- White Mocha Latte.

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