Sunday, March 11, 2012

I actually kind of look like Henry Mancini!

So I was doing a celebrity look-alike collage on and was very amused and intrigued to see Henry Mancini pop up as one of mine.  I was, at first, slightly offended that there were males on my collage haha, but then, I thought about it and remembered my grandma telling me I was related to Henry Mancini a little distantly.  At the time, I didn't really know who he was so I didn't really put it together until I had thought about it for a while, but it totally makes sense that I would look like him since we are blood relatives in some way.  I was looking at my pictures compared to his and I am pretty sure we have the same nose.  Is that totally crazy?  I mean we aren't related very closely at all and I am not even sure how we are related to be honest, but a website was able to find similarities in our faces enough to put him as one of my top 5 matches!  That just seems totally insane and surreal to me.  What are the odds?!! It's pretty exciting though, so I felt like sharing it with the world aka my 6 followers and random readers that stumble upon my blog haha.

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