Monday, March 12, 2012

Treating Acne Naturally

Mkay, so I have been struggling with acne since I was 11 or 12, but it seems to have gotten a lot worse recently rather than better.  I feel like I have tried nearly everything over-the-counter.  Proactiv worked best for me, but it is just so pricey.  My parents are trying to make an appointment for me with a dermatologist while I am home for Spring break, so I really really hope I'll be able to get something soon.  My acne has always been kind of on and off.  It's usually not very bad in the summer, but tends to get worse in the winter when my skin gets dry.  This is the worst it's ever been though and I assume it's stress related since it started getting really bad about a month after my big breakup and around the same time I started doing Track and started having issues with my sister.  I have also had a rash on my arms, shoulders, and chest that just appeared around that time.  I have tried lotions and anti-itching cream, but nothing makes the rash go away, so I will probably need medication for that as well as my acne.  It just makes me feel so disgusting and self-conscious :/.  So since I haven't seen any improvement using any of the acne-fighting washes and creams and whatnot, I decided to try and look at some natural remedies that would be less expensive and probably better for me in the long run since the ingredients aren't as most face washes and such.  As I write this, I am trying out a baking soda mask which is simply baking soda mixed with a little warm water and applied to my face after washing with a mild cleanser.  I plan to leave it on for about twenty minutes and will hopefully see some results from it.  I am also going to try using toothpaste as a zit-zapper before bed tonight to see if that actually works.  I have found a lot of different natural remedies that use items from around the house.  There are a few egg masks and oatmeal masks.  I've also read about yogurt helping with redness and making skin softer.  This website has a few interesting ideas including the baking soda mask I am trying right now:  I also follow the blog and youtube channel of Bubz Beauty who has done a lot of pieces on natural skin remedies after she struggled with some skin problems herself:  I have also read in a beauty book that tea tree oil can help when applied to the acne.  Vitamins A, E, and K are also supposed to help with acne.  Staying away from greasy and sugary food can also help fight acne.  Drinking lots of water and some lemon juice and also green tea are supposed to help with acne.  Also, getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night with help your skin a lot.  Moisturizing with an oil-free lotion is good for the skin too to keep it from getting too dry or oily.  Please feel free to share any remedies you know of that could help with acne especially if it's something you or a friend have tried that actually worked!  I am willing to try anything at this point.

This website also has some good tips for improving your diet to stop acne:

March 17, 2012
 Alright, I have been using baking soda mixed with warm water as a mask for the past few days and I have seen some improvement on my skin nothing drastic, but the redness and bumps have reduced. The acne is still there.  Today, I started adding salt to my baking soda and it seems to be giving me more rapid results.  Basically, I take about a teaspoon of baking soda in my hand, add a dash or two of salt and about ten-fifteen drops of warm water and massage it into my face in a circular motion.  I let it sit there for a while.  I don't usually time it.  I would recommend leaving it on for maybe 20-30 minutes though.  It kind of stings and burns a lot for me the first few minutes, but that just makes it feel like it's working.  I have been using it twice a day after washing my face (once in the morning, and once before bed).  I usually follow it with a vitamin-enhanced toner.  I found out today though that I might have cystic acne, so hopefully, I will be able to get in to see a dermatologist soon to have it checked out.  I looked up remedies for cystic acne online and am planning to go buy some of the over counter stuff tomorrow to try and find a quick fix for it.  I've read that apple cider vinegar taken both orally and topically can have amazing effects on cystic acne, so I'm really excited to try that.  I also might try castor oil or hydrocortizone cream.  If you have any remedies that worked for you, please comment and share.  Like I said, I am willing to try anything at this point.  My acne is so bad.

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