Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year Survey

  • 2011 is over, what have I done?

    stayed single almost the whole year?
    taken most of the year

    kissed someone new?
    yeah, but I like to pretend it didn't happen haha

    done something you've regretted?
    most definitely :/

    lost someone?
    yepp :/ a pretty important someone actually, but it happens. I'll move on eventually

    cut class?

    were involved in something you'll never forget?
    yepp ... :/

    visited a different country?

    cooked a gross meal?
    I don't think so..

    lost something important to you?
    a certain person :(

    got a gift you adore?
    A few! My mom got me a gorgeous ring, my sister got me Boy Meets World DVDs, Alli got me a super cute jacket for running, and I got lots of cute clothes :)

    tripped over a coffee table?
    not this year actually.. haha

    dyed your hair?
    of course! not as much as last year though, so I'm getting better

    came close to losing your life?
    I almost got hit by a car.. and almost got into a couple of accidents that could've been pretty bad..

    went to a party?

    read a great book?
    I actually don't think I read any books this year...

    saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?

    2011: Friends and Enemies

    Did you meet any new friends this year?
    yepp lots of little freshmen! :)

    Did you dislike anyone?
    I disliked one person who I ended up really liking. Then, I was indifferent toward someone who I ended up kind of hating. And I was in love with someone who I strongly dislike now. So yes.

    Did you grow apart from anyone?
    sadly :/

    Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
    I regret not making more time for some of my friends and I regret some of the friends I chose to make time for this year

    2011: Your BIRTHDAY!

    Did you have a cake?
    nope. I got a frosty though!

    Did you have a party?
    nope. We went out :)

    Did you get any presents?
    just from my mom and grandma and my sister

    2011: All about YOU

    Did you change at all this year?
    umm I don't know.. Probably... I think I've gotten less jealous and more forgiving.. I've also been a little more social/outgoing this year. I joined the track team, so I guess I'm more athletic now?  I changed my group of friends a lot too.  I have also gone through temporary lapses in judgment where I changed my moral code, but I've reverted back to my good sense :). And I started drinking. My style changed a little bit too. and I dyed my hair black for the first time!

    Did you change your style?
    a little bit.. not very drastically though

    Were you in school?

    Did you get good grades?

    Did you have a job?
    Yes, Ambassador, Library Aid, Phonathon Caller, and RA

    Did you move at all?
    I moved into a new room at school

    Did you go on any vacations?

    Would you change anything about yourself now?
    mhmm. I'd like to get rid of my acne, lose some weight/turn it into muscle, be more motivated, be less socially awkward, be more alluring/mysterious, and easier to fall in love with and more committed to my faith and more independent and happier

    2011: Wrap UP:

    Was 2011 a good year?
    Not even close. Probably one of the worst years of my life. It might've been so-so if it weren't for my breakup, but that pretty much ruined the entire year for me

    Do you think 2012 will top 2011?
    i certainly hope so

    2011 Checklist:
    (maybe?) kissed in the snow
    (x) celebrated halloween
    (xxxx) had your heart broken
    () mooned someone
    () went over the minutes on your cell phone
    (x) someone questioned your sexual orientation
    () gotten pregnant
    () had an abortion
    (x) done something you've regretted
    () painted a picture
    () wrote a poem
    (x) ran a mile
    () shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
    () posted a blog on MySpace
    () visited a foreign country
    (x) cut in a line of waiting people
    (x) told someone you were busy when you weren't
    (x) partied to celebrate the new year
    () cooked a disastrous meal
    () lied about how old you were
    () prank called someone

    (x)broke a promise
    [x] lied
    [xxxx] cried over a broken heart
    [x] disappointed someone close
    [x] hid a secret
    [x] pretended to be happy
    [] slept under the stars
    [] kept your new years resolution
    [x] forgot your new years resolution
    [x] met someone who changed your life
    [] met one of your idols
    [x] changed your outlook on life
    [x] sat home all day doing nothing
    [x] pretended to be sick
    [] left the country
    [] almost died
    [x] given up on something/someone important to you
    [] lost something expensive
    [x] learned something new about yourself
    [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
    [x] made a change in your life
    [x] found out who your true friends were
    [x] met great people
    [x] stayed up til sunrise
    [x] cried over the silliest thing
    [x] had friends who were drifting away from you
    [] had a high cell phone bill
    [] had a fist fight
    [x] gotten sick
    [] liked more than 5 people at the same time
    [x] became closer with a lot of people

    1.What did you do in 2011 that you've never done before? drank legally, got drunk, went to a "college" party, became a collegiate athlete, ran indoor track, kissed a boy I didn't really intend to date, befriended someone I really didn't like, took a college science class, had a lab partner, joined student senate, bought running shoes, painted my nails brown, painted my nails yellow, dyed my hair black, bought food for boys I was not dating, bought a pair of track spikes, bought alcohol, jokingly "sexted", and probably a bunch of other stuff I'm sure. It's been a strange year...

    2. Did you keep your new years.. resolutions, and will you make more for next year? i don't even remember my new year's resolutions and I don't know yet haha

    3. Did anyone close to you give birth? My aunt had my cousin Brendan in February... and two of my good friends gained a couple new nieces/nephews.. I know other people who have been pregnant/had babies, but I don't think that counts as close

    4. Did anyone close to you die? Not really.. a sister at school died and I knew her and liked her and everything, but I wouldn't say we were close

    5. What states did you visit? i stayed in ohio all year lol.. i'm pretty cool

    6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? more friends, a better body, a more likable personality, maybe find my true love?

    7. What date(s) from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory? October 25- my 21st birthday, September 15- I got a really great hug from a boy I really liked and I also got dumped :(, September 3- I celebrated James' 23rd birthday with him and for some reason it just sticks out a lot, April 25- James and I had our 3 year anniversary

    8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Still getting A's and B's in all my classes while surviving the worst breakup I've ever had without having a total breakdown.

    9. What was your biggest failure? Getting dumped/rejected and not even being able to get my ex to talk to me, because I'm not pretty or fun enough :(

    10. Did you suffer illness or injury? I had a few minor flu/cold things, and I got shin splints

    11. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? My ex (James) and the girl he's going after now, my dad's for a little while mostly this summer toward my sister Sabrina, this guy Chris, my sister Sabrina, and a little of my own

    12. What did you get really, really, really excited about? James mostly.. I can't think of anything else

    13. What song will always remind you of 2011?- LMFAO- "Shots" and "Sexy and I Know it" haha.. I don't know. My mind's so blank

    14. Compared to this time last year, are you:
    I. happier or sadder the same. sadder
    II. thinner or fatter? fatter
    III. richer or poorer? poorer.

    15. What do you wish you'd done more? spent more time with my Catholic friends

    16. What do you wish you'd done less of? hanging out with other guys while I had a boyfriend

    17. How will you be spending New Year's? at home with my parents probably lol

    18. Did you fall in love in 2011? Nope. I was in love all year already

    19. How many one-night stands? kind of sorta two lol... but it wasn't anything close to sex, so I wouldn't call them one night stands lol

    20.What were your favorite TV programs? the Office, The New Girl, Glee, Once Upon a Time, So Random, That 70s Show, Pan Am, Whitney, How I Met Your Mother

    21. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? maybe one person.. but I don't really "hate" her. I just hate what she's doing with my ex.

    22. What was the best book you read? I don't think I read any books haha

    23. What was your greatest musical discovery? Hmm.. Maybe Lesley Gore? Or She&Him... or Lisa Loeb!

    24. What did you want and got? umm to be on the track team, to be an RA, to be closer with Sabrina, to catch up with Brittney, lots of material things and food, etc.

    25. What was/were your favorite film/s of this year? Crazy, Stupid, Love... I can't think of any better ones. The Way Back was good too actually!  Yeah The Way Back is my choice

    26. What did you do on your birthday? Collected dirt and leaves and sand for Green Art with Sabrina, cried and cuddled with James and talked about our breakup and such, slept through all my classes due to depression, ate lunch with my sister, went to DMV with Sabrina and April to get state ID, was super late for work, fought with James through text while he hung out with my replacement, went out for drinks and appetizers to Bag of Nails with some girls, and befriended Brian while roaming around my hall having crazy girl talks, then, did homework, slept 2 hours, and went to class and then, breakfast and more class still a little buzzed haha

    27. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? not being dumped... or at least staying friends with my ex

    28. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011? worse? better? I thought it was pretty awesome.. a little more collegey and grown-up than past years, so I'd say better.  I would describe it as feminine, vintage-inspired, modest, college, and dainty

    29. What kept you sane? James for most of the year.. and Brittney for the rest of the year... and music and God throughout the whole year

    30. Which celebrity/public figure/s did you fancy the most? Demi Lovato, Shakira, Zooey Deschannel, John Krasinski, John McCain, John Boehner, Michelle Bachmann

    31. What political issue stirred you the most? Senate Bill 5

    32. Who did you miss? James

    33. Who was the best new person you met? Hmm.. the best?  Mallory's really sweet.. and Ethan's usually pretty cool... it's probably Jillian though :)

    34. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011: Don't settle; it's okay to be picky.  Never assume a guy's in love with you just because he says so, because he still might not hesitate to leave you as soon as someone younger and thinner gives them some attention

    35. Give a quote/song lyric that sums up your year: "
    Love, Lust, & Infatuation. . . Many people get them confused."

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Some Life Goals...ish

Since the New Year is coming up, I feel it is appropriate to make a list of goals but not just for the year (because let's face it, I probably won't get them all in a year lol), but for life.  Here goes:

Get my temps
Learn to drive
Get my driver's license
Get a car +insurance of course
Learn to sew well enough to make my own clothes
Flatten my tummy
Get rid of any jiggle (aka fat) in my body haha
Get rid of my acne
Find a "Career"
Move out of my parents' house
Get married/become a nun whatever I'm called to do
Make someone's life better
Learn to bake so well that I start writing my own recipes
Graduate from college
Finish track season with an improved PR
Learn to play piano very well
Get confirmed

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


A -Available : Yes though maybe not emotionally...
B -Birthday : October 25
C -Crushing on : Bittersweetly, no one at the moment
D -Drink you last had : Milk
F -Favorite song : Viva La Vida by Coldplay
G -Greatest memory : Greatest as in I remember it well? Or like my favorite? Right now, I can't think of one for either
H -Hometown : Cleveland
I -In love with : God
J -Jealous of : Shakira's good looks
L -Longest friendship : Sabrina
M -Middle name : Laine
N -Number of siblings : 4
O -One wish : my acne to go away... blah
P -Person you last called : Nanny
Q -Question you're always asked: Are you drunk?
R -Reason to smile : I have really awesome siblings
S -Song you last sang : Taylor Swift- Christmases When You Were Mine
T -Time you woke up: 4:00pm haha
U-Underwear color: light purplish pink
V -Violent moment you had : I hit my sister with the door once after she said something mean to my other sister
W-Worst Habit : biting my nails? I don't know
X -X-rays you've had : Um my stomach I think... I'm not sure
Y -Your last kiss : I'd rather not say.  It didn't mean anything to him, so I'm just going to forget it ever happened
Z -Zodiac sign:Scorpio

Monday, December 26, 2011

Since I am Single for the First Time Since High School...

I am retaking a survey from a blog I wrote in high school haha!

Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls)
--Your Favorite--
Hair Color::         I tend to be attracted to brunettes for the mostpart, but I also love me some blonds and redheads :)
Eye Color::          green
(Their)Music Genre Preference::       Country or oldies, because I feel that a man who likes those is probably a pretty decent guy who's gonna treat his lady right :)
Height(estimate)::          As long as they're taller than me, it's all good.  I've noticed I tend to like like guys in the 5'10" to 6'3" range most of the time though
Age::     I have always dated guys older than me up to 2 years, but lately, I have been much more interested in boys younger than me up to 3 years lol.  So I guess I'd say my age range could be a span of 6 years (3 younger or older than me), so between 18 and 24ish?  That's what I'm attracted to, but I'd prefer a guy closer to the 20-22 range I think
Personality Type::           I love an arrogant man as much as I hate to admit it lol.  He also has to have a great sense of humor, strong values, be a family man, be smart, hard-working, laid-back, loyal and trustworthy, Catholic, good with money, loving, not necessarily romantic but still sweet and nice- someone who would surprise me with presents every once in a while and write me cute little notes and sing to me even jokingly and hold my hand and cuddle with me, and say sweet things to me, etc.
--This or That--
Older or Younger::          older
Romantic or Horndog::  romantic
Smart or Stupid::              smart but not cocky
Fat or Skinny::   skinny
Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular::           skinny
Punk or Preppy::              Preppy
The Big Picture or the Little Things::       little things
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present::           flowers/candy
Mixtape or Burned CD::                mixtape
Love or Lust::     love
Emotional or Just Not:: emotional
Sincere or Jokester::      sincere
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet::         ugly and sweet
Sexy or Just Cute::           just cute
Arse or Abs::      abs for sure
Hair or Hands::  hands
Dimples or Eyes::             eyes
Biceps or Calves/Thighs::             biceps
Teeth or Nose(some people are just wierd) ::    teeth
Clean Shaven or Scruffy::             I think I like a little scruff
Rugged or Prim and Proper::      rugged most of the time, but he's still gotta dressup nicely sometimes :)
Countryboy or Cityboy:      countryboy
Date alone or With Friends:        alone
Mama's Boy or Rebel Without A Cause::             Mama's Boy
--Have You Ever--
Dumped a guy because he liked you too much::               no
Loved a guy because he stalked you::    Probably not haha, but if I already liked him and he stalked me, I wouldn't mind too much ;)
Loved a guy because he hated you::       nope
Asked your friend's crush out::  not that I know of..
Lead a guy on for kicks::                nope
Asked a guy out purely because he was hott::    never
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend::      yepp
Lied about not having a boyfriend::        nope..don't think I ever did
Lied about having one::                i dont think so..but maybe
Cheated::            never
Been Cheated on::          sort of lol, but I don't really count that as a relationship, so I'm not sure I count it as cheating either lol.  I don't know if anyone else cheated on me though.  It's possible.  I dated some shady characters, but if they did, I don't know, so I'll say no.
Had a crush on a gay guy::            haha yes
--Their Clothing(yes/no)--
Boxers?::             yes
Briefs?::               mm some guys could pull it off
Hat?::    yes, but not all the time
Skater Shoes?:: yes
Pimp Shoes?::   no
Band Shirts?::    sure
Vintage shirts?::               yes
Southpole/um..other thug clothes..?::  no
Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons?::               i dont know what that is, so no
Independent/DC?::        maybe. i dunno
S&M/Little Devil?::         no
Fox/Thor?::        suuurre
Jeans or Shorts?::            jeans
--Be Honest--
Would you ever date a guy for his money?::       nope
Would you ever date a guy for his social status?::            no
Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?::             yeah :/ but I broke up with that boyfriend shortly after I realized that
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better?:              yes
Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys?::                no
Do looks matter?::          not really
Are you honestly scared of being dumped?::     yeah
Does size matter?::       umm no haha
Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?::           no
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?::   no. All my friends are beautiful anyway :)
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be)::     I'm not ashamed
Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?::               probably, yes
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?::             I don't really lie... haha... it just doesn't come up... lol
Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?::                yes
Are you disappointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?::                  no..I'd rather him wait until he means it
Wanna be a virgin till marriage?:                definitely :)
Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it?:   I may not always be "in love" with them, but I love pretty much everyone, so yes, I mean it
Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?::     yepp
Would you makeout with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity?::                In the right situation, I might do it for curiosity...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What I'm Thankful For A-Z

This was a November Challenge that I found out about, but I wanted to post it even though it's already December, because I really need to reflect on what I'm thankful for right now since it feels like my whole life is falling apart..and this just seemed like fun! :)

A- Alcohol.. haha... because it eases the pain and, as a new 21-year-old, I appreciate it :)
B- Brittney!  She has been my friend for more than 3 years and she keeps me sane.  She's like my best friend, study buddy, and therapist all wrapped into one.  I honestly can't imagine how bad this year would've been without her and how much less fun my life in general would be without her!
C- The Catholic Church... She keeps me grounded, encourages me to be better, supports me in my good decisions, and calls me out on my bad ones haha.  My life would be incomplete without my faith for sure/Also, COFFEE... It's seriously a life saver too though in a totally different way haha
D- Dresses! They're so comfy and fun to twirl in and make picking clothes out really easy especially in the Summer time :)
E- Electricity.  I don't like the dark, so my life would be very sad without it haha
F- Flowers.. They're pretty and they make me happy :)
G- Grandma!! She's always on my side and she is just a genuinely nice person and I feel that sometimes, we see the world the same way, so we get along really well :)
H- Hats... For my bad hair days haha. But really, I look awesome in them too, so bad hair days are welcomed :)
I- Intelligent people.. We really can never have too many of those in the world!
J- Jesus :).  He needs no explanation
K- Kindness: Without it, the world wouldn't be a very nice place/Also, KISSES! They make all the hurt go away :)
L- LOVE!  It makes the world go round.  And we'd all be dead if the world stopped going round, so let's all be thankful for love :)
M- Music, because it soothes me and it makes me dance and sing and hum which all relieve my stress :)
N- Nice Guys.. Even though I have this weird self-hatred so that I am only attracted to douche bags, I love it a lot when I see a true gentleman doing nice things especially for us ladies who can never get enough love and kindness haha
O- Ovaries, because without them, I could never have babies and I love babies!
P- Purple!
Q- Q-tips
R- Rory! The sweetest little sister ever!! :)
S- Sabrina... She's my sister too... She's kinda cool, I guess
T- The Track Team.. especially the girls.. They keep me going :)
U- Underpants!
V- Violins, because they sound awesome
W- Water.. it keeps from dying and stuff
X- Xander!! Coolest sweetest little boy ever!
Y- Yummy things! Like food and boys ;)
Z- Zest! It keeps life zesty and stuff
That was a lot harder than I thought it would be, because I had multiples for some and only lame ones for others lol. But I'm glad I did it!!